Beginning Guitar
You Too Can Write Your Own Song!
At this point you should all have the basic skill sets for writing your own music.
- Basic Chord Vocabulary
- A variety of strumming, picking and finger-style patterns (we are getting there...)
- A guitar
With those skills and the guitar (which isn’t so much a skill as more a medium through which your musical ideas can find an expressive outlet) You Too Can Write Your Own Song!
To make this process easier for you, I have outlined the basic chords in a chord matrix to help you get started. Play around with these chords. Put them in different order. Try different strumming and plucking patterns, different tempo (speed), etc.
Chord Family Matrix (The grayed out chords are ones we have not reviewed in class, but feel free to explore them as well.)
Often we play these chords in a line across this matrix (G-C-D7-G), staying within the same family. But many times when we experiment with chords outside a family we can get interesting results.
Ex. D-B7-Em-F-G These chords are from different families, but it may be a sound you like or can work with.
Remember a D chord can be spiced up by using a sus2 or a sus4
Write down your ideas so you remember your original chord progressions and any other notes that can help you remember your ideas.
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The key ingredient is experimentation. Some musicians spend hours going back and forth over chords using trial and error to come up with a sound they like. You will be surprised with what you can come up with when you experiment a little bit.
Classic Chord Progressions (These ones have already been used a lot!)
G-Em-C-D7-G-Em-C-D7, etc. (Many songs of the 50’s and 60’s)
G-C7-G-G-C7-C7-G-G-D7-C7-G-G (The blues. Played everyday since 1890 or so.)